Thursday, October 04, 2007


Both little guys have started creating art in school and have brought some of this art home - not sure where the rest is going, I only hear about it but haven't seen it yet. I am so excited to see their creations, but we've started a large pile of art in the kitchen, and at thsi rate we'll need a storage shed for the art alone. We will put up some clips for select pieces of their art, but for now we are overrun by paintings. I decided to snap a few pictures, then decided to snap a picture of absolutely everything they bring home so that I don't have to keep it. The deal is, if you walk in the door with art you stop and pose for a picture before you add it to the pile. So far so good - everyone is cooperative. Not sure if they realize that I'll be tossing msot fo the art and only saving a few prize pieces, but hopefully the pictures will suffice. Max never really minded when I tossed his stuff in a box, so hopefully these guys won't mind either.

Anyway, here are a few pictures from each. Ian has told me that he likes to paint, and Sam would rather skip the art thing all together, thus the discrepacy in teh number of projects. Ian came home with three in one I said, overrun.

Ian's First Big Painting (and his funny face - he wanted me to snap this pic!)

Ian's Second Painting (Notice a trend here?)

Ian Stamping with Apples

Ian's "Face"

Sam's First Painting

Sam's Second and only other art

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