Monday, December 31, 2007


WOO HOO for me!!! I ran about 1/2 a mile yesterday! I am starting in on this thing where you end up not-walking a 5K when you are through - about 90 days. There's no time goal, just the goal of not walking that race. I figured that this was a good place to start seeing as how I haven't run in about Oh..a bajillion years..since high school actually. I exercised in college and ran some here and there - even on an elliptical machine in grad school. But, this was me, picking up my feet, tromping along on the treadmill going about oh so fast. Tom had a big grin (he was running right next to me) as I walked my first half mile, ran the second, then walked the third. I didn't expire, I didn't fall down or trip, I didn't poke an eye out (yea reduction and good bra!) and I can still walk. So, tomorrow we are back after one day of rest. Hopefully I will update you in a month or so when I'm running about 2 miles (which seems like an awfully long distance).

Friday, December 28, 2007

Xmas: The Third Part

Click to play Christmas+Day+2007
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Xmas: The Second Part

Click to play Holiday+Cookie+Time!
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When Buffalos Attack

I was reading this article on Yahoo News and went hunting for the actual video mentioned in the article. What I saw was amazing so I thought I'd share in case you missed it otherwise. Watch the whole thing but don't fret - there are no animals harmed in the making of this video...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Baba's Birthday

Dad (Hi DAD!) turned 65 while he was here. While we tease hum about being old, he's really still a kid at heart. So, we gave him a birthday fit for that kid at heart! The kids covered him in stickers, he blew out the candles on his cake (all 65 of them!) and then we went outside and played with bubbles! (And he loved every minute of it!)

Happy Birthday Baba!

Xmas: The First Part

We pulled out all the decorations and found that our tree smelled like mold. Yuk. Guess that's one of the hazards in living somewhere where it is slightly humid...and keeping the tree in a cardboard box in the garage. So we found a great substitute:

But our Xmas Tree and all of the branches weren't very accommodating. They got up and walked away shortly after this pictures was taken. So, we found another solution:

You'll notice that all of the ornaments were up high on the tree - we had a wily 16 month old running around and he was all over those ornaments! The tree we ended up getting was the same tree we bought last year (artificial as we're allergic to real trees) so we were set.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Best bowler in our family?

Up until last week I would have said Tom - he consistently beats the heck out of me when we bowl (which is maybe like once a year). But this time I was the big winner. He started smack talking so I had to put him in his place. (Above that's Max, Sam, Ian, Suzie, Tom)

We all had a great time. And even though Tom only arrives at the bowling alley kicking and screaming, he too had fun (except for the losing part - but he brought that on himself by talking all that smack!

The kids did really well too - they had bumpers up to help them out, so they became masters of using those bumpers. Ahhh...boys...making up their own games.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Looking for Santa?

Well, you can find him here: NORAD As of 10:47 pm Eastern he's in Detroit, MI, but he's skipping around! There are also some very cool videos about some of the other places he's been and I'm sure you can see those in the next few days as well. Have a very Merry Xmas!

The WORST Holiday Blogger

I've been blogging for a bit over a year now, and I hit this holiday season and it all ground to a halt. I wasn't out of town, I wasn't overrun by company, and we weren't over loaded with activities. Guess I just fell out of the routine. So, it's back on the blog horse with me! But for now, this is it. Have a great holiday and I'll fill you in on the rest of the past week or so tomorrow!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Religious Education

Heard from the back seat while driving through Burger King:

Sam: It's Jesus' Birthday.
Ian: Who's that?
Sam: A baby.
Ian: Huh?


Saturday, December 15, 2007

No way to top this!

his is the best first dance ever. Do take a minute to watch it:

Friday, December 14, 2007

Things Kids Say - Part 4

Yeah I went back and looked - not really a gazillion things they have said, just four. And this one's a doozie.

Scene: Suzie in the van driving Ian and Sam to preschool
Ian: Mommy?
Suzie: Yes Ian.
Ian: You look old.
Suzie: Why do you say that Ian?
Ian: It's all those lines on your face.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Staying up Late?

I was perusing a few stores' websites to see what their hours were, thinking I could run a few errands when the little guys are in school tomorrow. I figured they'd close at regular hours tonight and open at regular hours tomorrow morning, but I was hoping that at least one or two of them would open an hour early so I could sneak a bit more in. What a shock to see that one place, L. L. Bean, is open 24 HOURS from now until Xmas. Also, Kohl's is open basically 16 hours a day from now until then - all the way up until midnight. Well, isn't that convenient? I can spend every waking hour stalking the wiley...well, the wiley....winter coat. Yes, I'm good to go on Xmas gifts, with the exception of a few small things, but I am coatless. I have a nice jacket that will get me through (and it did for the first snow) but it is certainly not warm enough to protect me when I get down and play in the snow. Now, normally in December I would be fine with that other coat, but they are predicting possible snow - and definitely a wintry mix this weekend. And that means that I will be cold. So, it's off to the store to grab the jacket.

So the question is, should I hit up the store tonight after the kids go to bed? Or should I fight traffic and possible sleet and ice and snow, not to mention traffic in the morning to obtain said coat? If you know me then the answer is very easy. I regularly stay up very late. So tonight you'll find me out hunting up the wiley winter coat. Yupl I'm staying up late for a reason this time.

<-So what do you think - won't I look cute (warm) in this?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

You are not going to believe this

I mailed my Holiday cards today. Now, off the bat that might not seem like such a big thing. People around this time of year mail all kinds of cards out. Some get theirs out early, others cut it close and they end up arriving right after the holidays. But these were the cards from 2006. Yes, I said 2006. I've already apologized for not sending them out once, but they actually did go out today. So count me in for those who have gotten their cards out in BOTH 2006 and 2007. I'm counting this whether it really counts or not - it's done.

Then again I have three cards here that need new addresses and more stamps. I'll get those done tomorrow...

Monday, December 10, 2007

We survived our drive to Orlando and back. We still all like each other (just like on the drive out) and other than a little extra wear and tear on the van (let's just say that the kiddos trashed it and now it desperately needs a bath on the inside) it was a fantastic trip!

We saw Mickey:

And Santa:

And had a beautiful drive back home: