Saturday, February 05, 2011

Day 6

This is the first in a series of posts that were written as my husband spent a chunk of time out of town recently. Just sharing them with everyone now that he's back safe and sound, and I've regained my sanity (and have gotten some sleep as well).

Apparently I can make it five days without my hubby and maintain my sanity. The sixth day, however, nearly sent me over the edge. It had nothing to do with the actual day today. The kids got off to school relatively smoothly (the bus came early but no biggie). I had my nephew here for a few hours and he and Lucy LOVE playing together so that was easy. The boys brought a friend home from school (it's Friday after all - woo hoo the weekend!), and they all played fine. Max has a really late soccer game (starts at 9pm) but he caught a ride with a friend, so no bedtime issues here.

So what was it that is throwing me for a loop? Nothing in particular, everything in general. Soccer, school, PTA, toddler, boys, girls, (Cat is good - no stress there), and the list goes on. Dishes are done, floor is as clean as can be expected, and aside from the toys strewn about by the two year olds this AM, house is in good shape. So what is it really that's giving me jitters, making me antsy, pushing me to the edge?

Honestly, I think that I've shifted from a real introvert - always have been one - to someone who needs her alone time but also needs to download at the end of the day. I have been married to Tom for the past 12 years, together for almost 17 total, and this is going to end up being the longest stretch since we moved in together that we've been apart. Tom used to travel a lot, but the kids were MUCH younger, and I was able to talk to him all the time. Knowing that I'm not going to talk to him much over the next week or so is an interesting thought, one I'm trying to balance with my daily load of stuff that I usually share with him each night.

So, I think today was a minor hiccup, and I'm moving on. Little gripes and observances will just have to sit for a bit longer, or just go away. Nothing major brewing so no need to reach out to anyone - spending time over the weekend with the kids and other grown ups at soccer will suffice. Odd thought though - after 17 years not talking to Tom for a full week. I'll get back soon on this - gotta let it simmer some more.

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