Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lucy loves...

this commercial:

She stops dead in her tracks, smiles, and starts to dance every time she sees it. Too bad for the Gap that this 17 month old doesn't have any buying power!


PunditMom said...

Too bad the Gap charged me $1.77 to do a straight gift exchange with a gift receipt over the weekend and that the gift receipt said it should be honored without cost. Too bad they claimed they had to charge me extra taxes, even though the gift was purchased in NYC and exchanged in Maryland, where the taxes are lower. I like the Gap, but even a cute commercial won't bring me back when they put a damper on the holiday season for $1.77 which I know I didn't owe them. :(

Suzie said...

YIKES! That's not right at all. But like I said, the 17 month old doesn't have any purchasing power, but she certainly has enjoyed the heck out of those commercials.